বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে
আরও দেখুন: lotta



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম


  • son of Lotta: Lottuson
  • daughter of Lotta: Lottudóttir
কর্তা Lotta
কর্ম Lottu
সম্বন্ধ Lottu
সম্পাদক Lottu





ব্যুৎপত্তি 1


From সুইডিশ Lotta.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম, diminutive of the সুইডিশ Charlotta
Inflection of Lotta (Kotus type 10*C/koira, tt-t gradation)
nominative Lotta Lotat
genitive Lotan Lottien
partitive Lottaa Lottia
illative Lottaan Lottiin
singular plural
nominative Lotta Lotat
accusative nom. Lotta Lotat
gen. Lotan
genitive Lotan Lottien
partitive Lottaa Lottia
inessive Lotassa Lotissa
elative Lotasta Lotista
illative Lottaan Lottiin
adessive Lotalla Lotilla
ablative Lotalta Lotilta
allative Lotalle Lotille
essive Lottana Lottina
translative Lotaksi Lotiksi
instructive Lotin
abessive Lotatta Lotitta
comitative Lottineen
Possessive forms of Lotta (type koira)
possessor singular plural
1st person Lottani Lottamme
2nd person Lottasi Lottanne
3rd person Lottansa
উদ্ভূত শব্দ
  • Lotta is the 98th most common female given name in Finland, belonging to ৭,৮৬১ female individuals (and as a middle name to ৩,৬৪৫ more), according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.

ব্যুৎপত্তি 2


See Lottanen.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a ফিনিশ surname
Inflection of Lotta (Kotus type 10*C/koira, tt-t gradation)
nominative Lotta Lotat
genitive Lotan Lottien
partitive Lottaa Lottia
illative Lottaan Lottiin
singular plural
nominative Lotta Lotat
accusative nom. Lotta Lotat
gen. Lotan
genitive Lotan Lottien
partitive Lottaa Lottia
inessive Lotassa Lotissa
elative Lotasta Lotista
illative Lottaan Lottiin
adessive Lotalla Lotilla
ablative Lotalta Lotilta
allative Lotalle Lotille
essive Lottana Lottina
translative Lotaksi Lotiksi
instructive Lotin
abessive Lotatta Lotitta
comitative Lottineen
Possessive forms of Lotta (type koira)
possessor singular plural
1st person Lottani Lottamme
2nd person Lottasi Lottanne
3rd person Lottansa
  • The surname Lotta belongs to ৬৯ individuals, according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.





নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Lotta c (genitive Lottas)

  1. a diminutive of the নারী মূলনাম Charlotta
  2. a diminutive of the নারী মূলনাম Liselotte
  3. a নারী মূলনাম, based on the diminutive above

সম্পর্কিত পদ


