বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে





Borrowed from হিব্রু יְהוֹנָתָן (iehonatán), יוֹנָתָן (ionatán, literally God has given), apparently with influence from Aramaic [কোন শব্দ?].



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Jonathan (countable and uncountable, plural Jonathans)

  1. A son of Saul, first mentioned in 1 Samuel.
  2. Jonathan Apphus, a son of Mattathias, brother of Joannan Caddis, Simon Thassi, Judas Maccabeus and Eleazar Avara.
  3. A পুরুষ মূলনাম from হিব্রু of biblical origin.
    • 1936 Frank O'Connor, In The Train. The Stories of Frank O’Connor, Knopf, 1952. page 166:
      “Well indeed,” said Foley, “’tis a mystery to me how the sergeant puts up with her. If any woman up and called me an outlandish name like Jonathan when everyone knew my name was plain John I’d do fourteen days for her - by God, I would, and a calendar month.”
    • 1998, Barbara Vine, The Chimney Sweeper’s Boy, →ISBN, page 168:
      So I’d change to names I really like. I mean, Jonathan. If I ever have a son I’m going to call him Jonathan, so I’d have that. And then I like monosyllabic surnames that aren’t too common, so I’d have Dean or Bell or King. There you are, how about Jonathan King?
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
  4. A surname from হিব্রু.

সম্পর্কিত পদ

  • According to the 2010 United States Census, Jonathan is the 39004th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 565 individuals. Jonathan is most common among White (41.95%), Asian/Pacific Islander (16.64%), Black/African American (15.75%) and Hispanic/লাতিনo (10.27%) individuals.



Jonathan (plural Jonathans)

  1. An apple cultivar from New York.
    • ২০১৮ অক্টোবর ৪, “4H column: Join the Great Lakes Apple Crunch”, in Chillicothe Gazette:
      For example, Jonathans are tart and great for baking.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
  2. (dated, slang) An American; a Yank; Brother Jonathan.
    • 1822, Lord Byron, The Vision of Judgement, stanza 59:
      Here crashed a sturdy oath of stout John Bull,
      Who damned away his eyes as heretofore;
      There Paddy brogued “By Jasus!”—“What’s your Wull?”
      The temperate Scot exclaimed; the ফরাসি Ghost swore
      In certain terms I shan’t translate in full,
      As the first Coachman will; and midst the roar
      The voice of Jonathan was heard to express,
      Our president is going to war, I guess.”—
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • 2014, Francis Hodge, Yankee Theatre: The Image of America on the Stage, 1825–1850:
      The best single source of comment on Marble's capacities as a low comedian, as with the other Yankees, is the record of his London reception. [] One viewer thought it was not as outrageous as Jonathans usually are, []
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)

আরো পড়ুন


Hanks, Patrick, editor (2003), “Jonathan”, in Dictionary of American Family Names, volume 2, New York City: Oxford University Press, →আইএসবিএন, পৃষ্ঠা 254.



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম, the modern spelling of biblical Jonatan





নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Jonathan m

  1. Jonathan (Biblical character)
  2. a পুরুষ মূলনাম




বিকল্প বানান




নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. Jonathan (Biblical character)
  2. a পুরুষ মূলনাম

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. (dated) accusative of Jonathas




বিকল্প বানান




নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. Jonathan (Biblical character)

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. accusative of Jonathās




নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম, a modern spelling of Jonatan





Unadapted ঋণকৃত থেকে ইংরেজি Jonathan.



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Jonathan m

  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম from ইংরেজি, equivalent to ইংরেজি Jonathan

সম্পর্কিত পদ






Unadapted ঋণকৃত থেকে ইংরেজি Jonathan.



  • অন্ত্যমিল: -onatan
  • Syllabification: Jo‧na‧than

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Jonathan m

  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম from ইংরেজি [in turn from হিব্রু], equivalent to ইংরেজি Jonathan



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Jonathan c (genitive Jonathans)

  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম, variant of Jonatan