বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে
আরও দেখুন: augustin এবং Augustín


ইংরেজি উইকিপিডিয়ায় এই বিষয় সম্পর্কে একটি নিবন্ধ আছে; সেজন্য দেখুন:


ব্যুৎপত্তি 1


From ফরাসি Saint-Augustin (14-point type).



Augustin (uncountable)

  1. (printing, ফরাসি contexts, dated) ইংরেজিSynonym of .

ব্যুৎপত্তি 2




Augustin (comparative more Augustin, superlative most Augustin)

  1. Augustan-এর বিকল্প রূপ
    • 1638, Daniel Featley, “Parag 4. The iſſue of divers diſputations in France, and how the Romaniſts have had always the worſt in conferences with Proteſtants”, in Tranſuſtantiation exploded: or an Encounter with Richard the Titularie Biſhop of Chalcedon concerning Chriſt his preſence at his holy Table. [], London: G M. for Nicolas Bourne, পৃষ্ঠা 19:
      Witneſſe the diſputation at Berne in Anno 1527. betweene Conradus Treyerus an Auguſtin Frier, and Martin Bucer.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • 1657, Lambert Wood, Florus Anglicus: or an Exact History of England, from the Reign of William the Conquerour to the Death of Charles the I., 2nd edition, London: Printer for Simon Miller, পৃষ্ঠা 180:
      Hence aroſe a new ſedition, and of the ſame kinde; For Patrick an Augustin Frier, counterfeiting a new Earl of Warwick of one of his Scholars, ſtirred up the people to Rebellion in his Pulpit, but he and his Scholar were taken.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • 1721, N[athan] Bailey, “LUTHERANISM”, in An Universal Etymological ইংরেজি Dictionary: [], London: [] E. Bell, J. Darby, [], →OCLC, column 1:
      LUTHERANISM, the Opinions and Doctrines of Martin Luther, vvho being an Auguſtin [Auguſtian in the [https://archive.org/details/baileyuniversaletymdict7ed/page/n514/mode/1up 7th edition (1735)]] Frier, ſeparated from the Church of Rome, about A.C. 1115. vvrote againſt its Errors and began the Reformation.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)



Augustin (plural Augustins)

  1. Augustan-এর বিকল্প রূপ
    • 1800, William Johnston, transl., A Voyage to the পূর্ব Indies: [], London: J. Davis, [], translation of original by Paolino da San Bartolomeo, পৃষ্ঠা 75:
      At St. Rita I lodged in the houſe of the vicar-general, Father Luiz, an Auguſtin, who treated me with much hoſpitality, and from whom I received a great deal of information, both reſpecting the hiſtory of the country, and the ſtate of Chriſtianity in it.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • 1849, Emma Robinson, The Maid of Orleans. A Romantic Chronicle, খণ্ড II, London: Henry Colburn, পৃষ্ঠাs 60–61:
      This was a small detached fort that formed the apex of a triangle with the great bastilles of the Tournelles and Augustins, at a considerable distance, but near enough to annoy or cut off the communications in the rear of an attacking force. Orders had been given, in case of molestation, that the garrison should evacuate St. Jean-le-Blanc, and retire to the Augustins. This circumstance unhappily furnished the Lord Scales and the youthful chivalry who held the fortress of the Augustins with a pretence for disobeying the strict command they had received, by making a sally as if to cover the retreat of their countrymen.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • 1870, William Henry Pinnock, An Analysis of ইংরেজি Church History, Comprising the Reformation Period, and Subsequent Events: [], 6th edition, Cambridge:—J. Hall & Son; London:—Whittaker & Co.; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.; and Bell & Daldy. Oxford:—J. H. Parker, পৃষ্ঠা 94:
      The Augustins (or Austin Friars or Eremites,) were so called from their following certain pretended rules of St Augustine, which enjoined poverty, and enforced particular duties and discipline. They made their appearance about a. d. 1252.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)

সম্পর্কিত পদ






নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Augustin m

  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম, feminine equivalent Augustine, equivalent to ইংরেজি Augustine



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a পুরুষ মূলনাম, equivalent to ইংরেজি Augustine





লাতিন Augustinus থেকে ঋণকৃত .

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Augustin m (genitive/dative lui Augustin)

  1. a surname


  • Iordan, Iorgu (1983) Dicționar al numelor de familie românești [A Dictionary of রোমানীয় Family Names]‎[১], Bucharest: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică