বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

মডিউল:number list/data/cy

উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে

এই মডিউলের জন্য মডিউল:number list/data/cy/নথি-এ নথিপত্র তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকতে পারে

local export = {numbers = {}}

local m_numutils = require("Module:number list/utils")
local map = m_numutils.map
local filter = m_numutils.filter
local power_of = m_numutils.power_of

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

local numbers = export.numbers

numbers[0] = {
	cardinal = "sero",
	ordinal = "serofed",
	ordinal_abbr = "0fed",
	wplink = "sero",

numbers[1] = {
	cardinal = "un",
	ordinal = "cyntaf",
	ordinal_abbr = "1af",
	adverbial = "unwaith",
	wplink = "un",

numbers[2] = {
	cardinal = {"dau<tag:masculine>", "dwy<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = "ail",
	ordinal_abbr = "2il",
	adverbial = "dwywaith",
	multiplier = "dwbl",
	wplink = "dau",

numbers[3] = {
	cardinal = {"tri<tag:masculine>", "tair<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = {"trydydd<tag:masculine>", "trydedd<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal_abbr = {"3ydd<tag:masculine>", "3edd<tag:feminine>"},
	adverbial = "teirgwaith",
	multiplier = "triphlyg",
	wplink = "tri",

numbers[4] = {
	cardinal = {"pedwar<tag:masculine>", "pedair<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = {"pedwerydd<tag:masculine>", "pedwaredd<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal_abbr = {"4ydd<tag:masculine>", "4edd<tag:feminine>"},
	multiplier = "pedwarplyg",
	wplink = "pedwar",

numbers[5] = {
	cardinal = {"pump", "pum<q:before বিশেষ্যs>"},
	ordinal = "pumed",
	ordinal_abbr = "5ed",
	wplink = "pump",

numbers[6] = {
	cardinal = {"chwech", "chwe<q:before বিশেষ্যs>"},
	ordinal = "chweched",
	ordinal_abbr = "6ed",
	wplink = "chwech",

numbers[7] = {
	cardinal = "saith",
	ordinal = "seithfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "7fed",
	wplink = "saith",

numbers[8] = {
	cardinal = "wyth",
	ordinal = "wythfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "8fed",
	wplink = "wyth",

numbers[9] = {
	cardinal = "naw",
	ordinal = "nawfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "9fed",
	wplink = "naw",

numbers[10] = {
	cardinal = {"deg", "deng<q:before a nasal or optionally a vowel>"},
	ordinal = "degfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "10fed",
	wplink = "deg",

numbers[11] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg un<tag:decimal>", "un ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "unfed ar ddeg",
	ordinal_abbr = "11eg",
	wplink = "un deg un",

numbers[12] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg dau<tag:decimal><tag:masculine>", "un deg dwy<tag:decimal><tag:feminine>", "deuddeg<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "deuddegfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "12fed",
	wplink = "un deg dau",

numbers[13] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg tri<tag:decimal><tag:masculine>", "un deg tair<tag:decimal><tag:feminine>", "tri ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>", "tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = {"trydydd ar ddeg<tag:masculine>", "trydedd ar ddeg<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal_abbr = "13eg",
	wplink = "un deg tri",

numbers[14] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg pedwar<tag:decimal><tag:masculine>", "un deg pedair<tag:decimal><tag:feminine>", "pedwar ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>", "pedair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = {"pedwerydd ar ddeg<tag:masculine>", "pedwaredd ar ddeg<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal_abbr = "14eg",
	wplink = "un deg pedwar",

numbers[15] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg pump<tag:decimal>", "pymtheg<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "pymthegfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "15fed",
	wplink = "un deg pump",

numbers[16] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg chwech<tag:decimal>", "un ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "unfed ar bymtheg",
	ordinal_abbr = "16eg",
	wplink = "un deg chwech",

numbers[17] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg saith<tag:decimal>", "dau ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>", "dwy ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = "ail ar bymtheg",
	ordinal_abbr = "17eg",
	wplink = "un deg saith",

numbers[18] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg wyth<tag:decimal>", "deunaw<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "deunawfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "18fed",
	wplink = "un deg wyth",

numbers[19] = {
	cardinal = {"un deg naw<tag:decimal>", "pedwar ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>", "pedair ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal = {"pedwerydd ar bymtheg<tag:masculine>", "pedwaredd ar bymtheg<tag:feminine>"},
	ordinal_abbr = "19eg",
	wplink = "un deg naw",

numbers[20] = {
	cardinal = {"dau ddeg<tag:decimal>", "ugain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "ugeinfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "20fed",
	wplink = "dau ddeg",

numbers[30] = {
	cardinal = {"tri deg<tag:decimal>", "deg ar hugain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "degfed ar hugain",
	ordinal_abbr = "30ain",

numbers[40] = {
	cardinal = {"pedwar deg<tag:decimal>", "deugain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "deugeinfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "40fed",

numbers[50] = {
	cardinal = {"pum deg<tag:decimal>", "hanner cant<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "hanner canfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "50fed",

numbers[60] = {
	cardinal = {"chwe deg<tag:decimal>", "trigain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "trigeinfed", -- FIXME: trigainfed? Misspelling?
	ordinal_abbr = "60fed",

numbers[70] = {
	cardinal = {"saith deg<tag:decimal>", "deg a thrigain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "degfed a thrigain",
	ordinal_abbr = "70ain",

numbers[80] = {
	cardinal = {"wyth deg<tag:decimal>", "pedwar ugain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "pedwar ugeinfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "80fed",

numbers[90] = {
	cardinal = {"naw deg<tag:decimal>", "deg a phedwar ugain<tag:vigesimal>"},
	ordinal = "degfed a phedwar ugain",
	ordinal_abbr = "90ain",

-- Templates for vigesimal numbers 21-99, not counting even multiples of 10. Some vigesimal numbers are actually
-- vigesimal and take units in the 11-19 range, while others take units in the 1-9 range even when they would be
-- expected to take units in the 11-19 range. An example of the latter is 52, formed as "hanner cant ac" + the number
-- for 2 (hence masculine "hanner cant ac dau", feminine "hanner cant ac dwy"). An example of the former is 74, formed
-- as the number for 14 + "a thrigain" (hence masculine "pedwar ar ddeg a thrigain" and feminine
-- "pedair ar ddeg a thrigain").
-- We determine the unit by taking either mod 10 or mod 20 of the overall number (depending on the second element of the
-- two-element table below), and fetching the corresponding units cardinal(s) or ordinal(s). If at least one element in
-- the resulting unit form(s) has a <tag:vigesimal> modifier, this means the number has different decimal and vigesimal
-- forms (this happens with numbers 11 and above), so filter down to only the ones with the vigesimal tag, and remove
-- it; otherwise take all forms. Then substitute the resulting unit form(s) into the template where it says UNIT, taking
-- care to move tags on the unit form(s) to the end; map() does this automatically. Also add "<tag:vigesimal>" at the
-- end of the return value to map(), i.e. directly after the template; any modifiers from the units forms will be tacked
-- on after that.
local vigesimal_templates = {
	[2] = {"UNIT ar hugain", 10},
	[3] = {"UNIT ar hugain", 20},
	[4] = {"deugain ac UNIT", 10},
	[5] = {"hanner cant ac UNIT", 10},
	[6] = {"trigain ac UNIT", 10},
	[7] = {"UNIT a thrigain", 20},
	[8] = {"pedwar ugain ac UNIT", 10},
	[9] = {"UNIT a phedwar ugain", 20},

local ordinal_suffixes = { "fed", "ed", "af", "il", "ydd", "edd", "eg", "ain" }

-- Generate the numbers from 20 to 99. This is not easy both because there are two systems for forming cardinals
-- (decimal and vigesimal) and because of all sorts of complexities, including masculine and feminine variants of
-- certain numbers (exactly which numbers differs between the decimal and vigesimal systems), apocopated variants of
-- certain numbers before বিশেষ্যs (e.g. 5 and 6), and nasalized variants of [[deg]] (10) and certain derivatives of it.
for ten_multiplier=2, 9 do
	for one=1, 9 do
		local num = ten_multiplier * 10 + one

		-- First, the decimal forms. Only the cardinal is decimal. Formation is "TEN_UNIT deg ONE_UNIT" where
		-- TEN_UNIT = the cardinal associated with `ten_multiplier` and ONE_UNIT = the cardinal associated with `one`.
		-- Irregularities in the word "deg" follow the even multiples of 10, so we just copy them.
		local decimal_ten_card = filter(function(card) return card:find("<tag:decimal>") end, numbers[ten_multiplier * 10].cardinal)
		if #decimal_ten_card ~= 1 then
			error(("Internal error: Multiple or no decimal ten multiplier forms for number %s: %s"):format(num, table.concat(decimal_ten_card, ", ")))
		local decimal_cardinal = map(function(unit_card)
			return map(function(ten_card) return ten_card .. " " .. unit_card end, decimal_ten_card)
		end, numbers[one].cardinal)

		-- Now the vigesimal forms. See the comment above `vigesimal_template`.
		local vigesimal_template, unit_mod = unpack(vigesimal_templates[ten_multiplier])
		local vigesimal_unit = num % unit_mod

		-- First cardinal forms.
		local vigesimal_unit_card = filter(function(card) return card:find("<tag:vigesimal>") end, numbers[vigesimal_unit].cardinal)
		if #vigesimal_unit_card > 0 then
			for i, unit_card in ipairs(vigesimal_unit_card) do
				vigesimal_unit_card[i] = rsub(unit_card, "<tag:vigesimal>", "")
			vigesimal_unit_card = numbers[vigesimal_unit].cardinal
		local vigesimal_cardinal = map(function(unit_card) return rsub(vigesimal_template, "UNIT", unit_card) .. "<tag:vigesimal>" end,

		-- Next ordinal forms.
		vigesimal_unit_ord = vigesimal_unit == 1 and "unfed" or numbers[vigesimal_unit].ordinal -- ordinals always vigesimal
		local vigesimal_ordinal = map(function(unit_ord) return rsub(vigesimal_template, "UNIT", unit_ord) end,

		-- Now combine vigesimal + decimal cardinal forms, possibly with special form for 99; similarly, take the
		-- ordinal forms, possibly combining with special form for 99.
		local combined_card
		local combined_ord
		if num == 99 then -- include special forms for 99 before regular forms
			combined_card = {"cant namyn un<tag:vigesimal>"}
			combined_ord = {"canfed namyn un"}
			combined_card = {}
			-- don't set combined_ord; it just uses the vigesimal forms directly.
		local function insert(dest, source)
			if type(source) ~= "table" then
				source = {source}
			for _, item in ipairs(source) do
				table.insert(dest, item)
		insert(combined_card, vigesimal_cardinal)
		insert(combined_card, decimal_cardinal)
		if combined_ord then
			insert(combined_ord, vigesimal_ordinal)
			combined_ord = vigesimal_ordinal
			if #combined_ord == 1 then
				combined_ord = combined_ord[1]

		local ordinal_abbr = map(function(ord)
			for _, suffix in ipairs(ordinal_suffixes) do
				if rfind(ord, suffix .. "$") then
					return num .. suffix
			error(("Ordinal %s doesn't end with any of the recognized suffixes %s; please update the suffix list"):format(
				ord, table.concat(ordinal_suffixes, ",")))
		end, vigesimal_ordinal)

		-- If all (both) ordinal abbrevs are the same, reduce to one.
		if type(ordinal_abbr) == "table" and #ordinal_abbr > 1 then
			if #ordinal_abbr > 2 then
				error(("Don't currently know how to handle more than two ordinal variants, but saw %s"):format(
			local abbr1 = rsub(ordinal_abbr[1], "<.*>", "")
			local abbr2 = rsub(ordinal_abbr[2], "<.*>", "")
			if abbr1 == abbr2 then
				-- Remove masculine/feminine tag
				ordinal_abbr = rsub(ordinal_abbr[1], "<tag:[a-z]+ine>", "")

		numbers[num] = {
			cardinal = combined_card,
			ordinal = combined_ord,
			ordinal_abbr = ordinal_abbr,
numbers[100] = {
	cardinal = {"cant", "can<q:before বিশেষ্যs>"},
	ordinal = "canfed",
	ordinal_abbr = "100fed",

numbers[101] = {
	cardinal = "cant ac un",
	ordinal = "cyntaf wedi'r cant",
	ordinal_abbr = "101af",

numbers[102] = {
	cardinal = "cant a dau",
	ordinal = "ail wedi'r cant",

for hundred, form in ipairs { "dau gant", "tri chant", "pedwar cant", "pum cant", "chwe chant",
	"saith cant", "wyth cant", "naw cant" } do
	local num = (hundred + 1) * 100
	numbers[num] = {
		cardinal = form,
		ordinal = rsub(form, "t$", "") .. "fed",

for thousand, form in ipairs { "mil", "[[dau]] [[mil|vil]]", "[[tri]] [[mil]]", "[[pedwar]] [[mil]]",
	"[[pump]] [[mil]]", "[[chwech]] [[mil]]", "[[saith]] [[mil]]", "[[wyth]] [[mil]]", "[[naw]] [[mil]]" } do
	local ordinal
	if thousand == 2 then
		ordinal = "[[dau]] [[milfed|vilfed]]"
		ordinal = rsub(form, "%]%]$", "fed]]")
	numbers[thousand * 1000] = {
		cardinal = form,
		ordinal = ordinal,

-- Handle 10000 through 90000.
for num=10000, 90000, 10000 do
	local multiplier = numbers[num / 1000].cardinal
	local decimal_mult = filter(function(card) return card:find("<tag:decimal>") end, multiplier)
	if #decimal_mult > 0 then
		decimal_mult = map(function(card) return rsub(card, "<tag:decimal>", "") end, decimal_mult, "include modifiers")
		decimal_mult = multiplier
	local cardinal = map(function(card) return ("[[%s]] [[mil]]"):format(card) end, decimal_mult)
	local ordinal = map(function(card) return ("[[%s]] [[milfed]]"):format(card) end, decimal_mult)

	numbers[num] = {
		cardinal = cardinal,
		ordinal = ordinal,

-- Is this still used?
numbers[10000] = {
	cardinal = "myrdd",
	ordinal = "myrddfed",

-- Is this still used?
numbers[100000] = {
	cardinal = {"milcant", "milcan<q:before বিশেষ্যs>"},
	ordinal = "milcanfed",

numbers[1000000] = {
	cardinal = "miliwn",
	-- ordinal = "miliwnfed" or "miliyenfed"?

numbers[power_of(9)] = {
	cardinal = "biliwn",
	-- ordinal = "biliwnfed" or "biliyenfed"?

-- Temporary hacks for newly added cardinals.
table.insert(numbers[43].cardinal, "tri a deugain<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
table.insert(numbers[48].cardinal,  "wyth ar ddeugain<tag:vigesimal>")
table.insert(numbers[100].cardinal, "pum ugain<tag:vigesimal>")
numbers[120] = {}
numbers[120].cardinal = {}
table.insert(numbers[120].cardinal, "[[cant]] [[ac]] [[ugain]]")
table.insert(numbers[120].cardinal, "[[cant]] [[dau ddeg]]<tag:decimal>")
table.insert(numbers[120].cardinal, "chweugain<tag:vigesimal>")
local denquals="<tag:decimal><q:optionally before a nasal or vowel>"
table.insert(numbers[20].cardinal, "dau ddeng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[30].cardinal, "tri deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[40].cardinal, "pedwar deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[50].cardinal, "pum deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[60].cardinal, "chwe deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[70].cardinal, "saith deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[80].cardinal, "wyth deng"..denquals)
table.insert(numbers[90].cardinal, "naw deng"..denquals)

-- And also some ordinals.
function add(num, form, value)
	if numbers[num][form] then
		if type(numbers[num][form]) == 'string' then
			numbers[num][form] = { numbers[num][form] }
		numbers[num][form] = {}
	table.insert(numbers[num][form], value)

add(18, 'cardinal', "tair ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>") -- Really sesquidecimal.
add(18, 'cardinal', "ugain namyn dwy<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>")
add(2, 'ordinal', "eilfed")
add(11, 'ordinal', "unarddegfed<q:non-standard><tag:vigesimal>")
add(11, 'ordinal', "un deg unfed<tag:decimal>")
add(13, 'ordinal', "triarddegfed<q:non-standard><tag:vigesimal>")
add(16, 'ordinal', "unarbymthegfed<q:non-standard><tag:vigesimal>")
add(17, 'ordinal', "eilfed ar bymtheg")
add(17, 'ordinal', "ddeufed ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
add(17, 'ordinal', "ddwyfed ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>")
add(17, 'ordinal', "deufed ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
add(17, 'ordinal', "dwyfed ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>")
add(18, 'ordinal', "trydydd ar bymtheg<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
add(22, 'ordinal', "ddeufed ar hugain<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
add(22, 'ordinal', "ddwyfed ar hugain<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>")
add(22, 'ordinal', "deufed ar hugain<tag:vigesimal><tag:masculine>")
add(22, 'ordinal', "dwyfed ar hugain<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>")

return export