ব্যবহারকারী:Aishik Rehman/খেলাঘর/২

উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে

উইকিস্ক্যান Xtools

  • নিব্বা - ইপ সদ্য কৈশোরে পা দেওয়া প্রেমমগ্ন কিশোর/বালক/তরুণ
  • স্ত্রী. নিব্বা
  • হ্যান্ডওয়াশ
  • মাস্ক
  • সাবান
  • কোয়ারেন্টাইন
  • জানু
  • বেবি

সংযোজিত পরিভাষা[সম্পাদনা]

বাংলা পরিষদ কর্তৃক প্রণীত-


  • Ambulance - আর্তবাহী, আর্তরী, আর্তযান
  • Passport - তরণপত্র, তরণিকা
  • Proctor - সারিপাল
  • brainstorm - যূথচিন্তন
  • Commission - অধিষদ
  • Commissioner - অধিষদক
  • Board - পরষদ
  • Council - পরিষদ
  • Academy -
  • Corporation -
  • Complex - বিহার
  • পারগায়েল - মকরমুখ, হাঙরমুখ
  • Aping - হনুকরণ [প্র: রবীন্দ্রনাথ]
  • Weather Vane - পবনকাঠি, বাশুঁটি
  • টারবাইন
  • funnel - কাপা
  • platanista gangetica - গঙ্গাহুতুম ও সিন্ধুহুতুম, শুতুম (হুতুম+শুশুক)
  • সিকারহেড - নিরাপদিক
  • পরপয়েজ - তিমিক / শুমি
  • Insignia - অংসীন
  • Mouse - মুঠিক(মুঠো+মূষিক), মূষিক, মুঠুক
  • lane -
  • ব্লেজ মোল (মোল র্যাট/ স্যান্ড পাপ্পি) - বিতলমুষিক
  • Revolve - চরকিদ্বার, চরকিদোর, ঘুর্কপাট
  • Calculator - অঙ্কল
  • Lamppost - চূড়াদীপ, দীপচূড়া
  • আজালিয়া - বালুবালা, বালুবধূ
  • common dandelion - দুগ্ধফেণী, পয়স্বিনী, দুধলি
  • rhododendron - রোদরঞ্জন, রবিরঞ্জন
  • hydrangea - রতনরাজি
  • petunia - মরিচমাসি, লঙ্কামাসি
  • gerbera - ঝাড়বালা
  • carnation - পখপেখম
  • cosmos flower - ভোমরাবৌ
  • ipomoea indica - নভঃকলমি
  • salamander - কেতুয়া
  • লাভান্ডুলা - নভোকাশ ফুল
  • Tulip - দুলবন্দ
  • ফুশা - নটসারস
  • প্যানজি - পাঁচু ফুল
  • capsicum - ঢোলমরিচ, ঢোলংকা
  • অ্যারাম - তূণফুল, তূণী



বি. বিশেষ্য বিণ. বিশেষণ সর্ব. সর্বনাম অব্য. অব্যয়পদ ক্রি. ক্রিয়াপদ ক্রিবিণ. ক্রিয়াবিশেষণ


সং. সংস্কৃত আ. আরবি ফা. ফারসি দে. দেশি বা. বাংলা ইং. ইংরেজি প. পর্তুগিজ পো. পোলিশ ওল. ওলন্দাজ ওড়. ওড়িয়া হি. হিন্দি নে. নেপালি অ. অসমীয়া - অপ. অপশব্দ প্র.ভ. প্রচলিত ভুল অপ্র. অপ্রচলিত


=={{ভাষার নাম|bn}}== ===উচ্চারণ=== ===ব্যুৎপত্তি=== ===অর্থ=== ;বি. (বিশেষ্য) # শব্দ # শব্দ ; বিশেষণ # শব্দ ===ভিন্ন বানান=== ===সম্পর্কিত শব্দসমূহ=== ==={{অনুবাদসমূহ}}=== {{অনুবাদ-শীর্ষ}} * {{en}}: Belt {{অনুবাদ-নীচ}}

  • D
    • Database - উপাত্তচয়
    • Data - উপাত্ত
    • Databank - উপাত্তাগার

As the Prefixes[সম্পাদনা]



autocorrelation autotransformer autotrophically autotransfusion autotetraploids autotetraploidy autosuggestions autoradiographs autoradiography autographically autochthonously autobiographers autobiographies automatizations 14-letter words that start with auto automatization autoradiograph autosuggestion autoradiograms autosuggesting autotetraploid automaticities autoinfections autoimmunities automobilities autopolyploids autopolyploidy autoantibodies autobiographer autobiographic autoeroticisms autocratically 13-letter words that start with auto autobiography autochthonous autoradiogram autocephalous autocatalysis autoinfection autopolyploid autonomically automorphisms automobilists automatically autocatalytic autocephalies autocatalyses autoeroticism autorotations autosuggested autoxidations 12-letter words that start with auto autoantibody autorotation autoxidation autohypnosis autohypnotic autohypnoses autoimmunity automatizing automaticity autonomously automorphism automobiling automobility automobilist autochthones autogenously autographies autographing autoerotisms autoeciously autodidactic autocratical autotrophies autotomizing autosuggests autorotating 11-letter words that start with auto autoloading autoerotism autofocuses autografted autographed autographic autocracies autocrosses autodidacts autocephaly autochthons autoclaving automatized automatizes automatists automatisms automatable automations autolyzates autolysates autophagies automobiled automobiles autonomists autoworkers autotomized autotomizes autotrophic autorotated autorotates autosuggest autostradas autosomally 10-letter words that start with auto automation automotive autonomous automobile autoimmune autologous automatism autogenous autodidact autostrada autoworker automatize autolysate autoecious autography autochthon autoclaved autoclaves autobusses autobahnen autographs autografts autogenies autogamies autogamous autoecisms autoerotic autocratic autolysing autolysins automakers autolyzing autolyzate automatics automatist automating automatons autonomist autonomies autophytes autopilots autotypies autotrophs autotrophy autotomies autotomize autotoxins autotomous autostrade autosexing autoroutes autorotate autopsying autopsists 9-letter words that start with auto automatic automaker autograph autonomic autoclave autocracy autopilot automaton autograft autofocus autoroute autocrine autocross autolysis autotelic autophagy autolysin autotroph autotoxin autotoxic autotomic autotypes autopsied autopsies autopsist autosomes autosomal autolysed autolyses autolytic autolyzed autolyzes automated automates autoharps autogyros autophyte autocrats autodynes autoecism autogamic autogiros autogenic autocoids autobahns autocades autobuses 8-letter words that start with auto autonomy automate autobahn autocrat automata autotype autogyro autodyne autogamy autogiro autotomy autosome autogeny autocoid autolyze autolyse autoharp autonyms auto



A self-abased self-abasing self-abnegation self-absorbed self-absorption self-abuse self-acceptance self-accompanied self-acting self-action self-activity self-actualisation self-actualization self-actualize self-addressed self-adhesive self-adjoint self-adjusting self-advancement self-advocacy self-affinity self-affliction self-aggrandizement self-aggrandizing self-analysis self-annihilate self-annihilation self-appointed self-arrest self-assembled self-assembling self-assembly self-assertion self-assertive self-assumption self-assurance self-assured self-authenticating self-aware

B self-balancing self-belief আত্মবিশ্বাস self-billing self-binder self-blood self-build self-built C self-catering self-catheterisation self-catheterization self-censorship self-centered self-centration self-certification self-checkout self-cleaning self-clocking self-closing self-colonize self-command self-complacency self-complacent self-conceit self-conceited self-concept self-conception selfcondensation self-confessed self-confidence self-confident self-confiding self-congratulate self-congratulation selfcongratulatory self-conjugate self-conscious self-consciousness selfconsistent self-contained self-contempt self-contradiction self-contradictory self-control self-controlled self-convicted self-conviction self-correct self-coup self-create self-critical self-criticism self-cultivation self-culture

D self-deal self-debate self-deceit self-deception self-declared self-defeating self-defense self-deficient self-defilement self-delusion self-denial self-denying self-deport self-deprecating self-deprecation self-deprivation self-destroyer self-destruct self-destruction self-destructive self-determination self-determine self-determined self-devoted self-devotion self-diagnosis self-directed self-direction self-discipline self-disciplined self-discovery self-discrimination self-disgust self-distance selfdistributive self-distrust self-doubt self-driving self-dual

E self-edit self-educated স্বশিক্ষিত self-effacement self-effacing self-efficacy self-elective self-elevation self-employed স্বনির্ভর/স্বয়ম্ভর self-employment (ঐ) self-encrypting self-energy selfenergy self-esteem self-evacuate self-evidence self-evidency self-evident self-evolution self-exaltation self-exam আত্মপরীক্ষা/আত্মযাচাই self-examination self-excitation selfexcitation self-excite self-exclusion self-executing self-existence self-existent self-explanatory self-expression F self-fabric self-faced self-feeling আত্মোপলব্ধি/অনুভব self-fertile self-fertility self-fertilization self-flattery self-fulfilling self-fulfillment G self-glorious self-governing self-government self-gratification selfgravitating self-guilt

H self-handicap self-hardening self-harm self-harmer self-hateful self-hating আত্ম self-hatred আত্ম self-heal আত্ম self-help আত্ম self-hosting

I self-identification self-identify self-ignite self-image self-immolate self-immolation self-importance self-important self-imposed self-impotent self-improvement self-incriminate self-incrimination self-induced I self-induction self-indulgence self-indulgent self-infection self-inflicted selfinjective self-injure আত্ম-আহত/আত্মাহত self-injury --ঐ self-insert self-insertion selfinteraction self-interest self-interested self-interpreter self-involution self-involved self-isolate self-isolation J self-justification self-justificatory self-justifier K self-kill আত্মহত্যা self-killed আত্মমৃত/নিহত self-killer আত্মহন্তা/ঘাতী? self-killing আত্মহত্যা/হনন/ঘাত/? self-knowing আত্ম-উপলব্ধি/অনুভব/বোধ/? self-knowledge আত্মজ্ঞান L self-learning self-licensing self-lie self-life self-limited self-loathing self-love আত্মপ্রেম/প্রণয়/প্রীতি/?

M self-made স্বপ্রস্তুত/আত্মপ্রস্তুত self-mastery self-mate self-medicate self-medication self-medicator self-metathesis self-minded আত্মমনস্ক/? self-motion self-motivated self-murder আত্মহত্যা/আত্মহনন/বত্মঘাত/নাশ/বিনাশ/? self-murderer আত্মঘাতক/আত্মহত্যা/? self-mutilation N self-narrative self-noise self-normalize O self-obsessed self-obsession self-offence self-officiated self-oiling self-opening self-opinion স্বমত self-opinionateself-love inioned self-organization self-organizing স্বসজ্জা/? seself-improvement স্বসজ্জিত/?