বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে

[কোন শব্দ?]

Use this template to mention a term or phrase within running text (e.g. in ===Etymology=== and ====Usage notes==== sections). Use {{l}} instead in lists.

This template shows the term or phrase (optionally linked) in the appropriate font (user-customizable for Latin/Roman script mentions), along with its transliteration (unless the language is automatically transliterated) and English gloss translation, if any.

{{term|verbum|verbō|for the word|lang=la}}
{{term|word||unit of speech|lang=en}}
{{term|[[cor|Cor]] [[Carolī]]||Charles' heart|lang=la}}
λόγος (lógos)
λόγος (lógos)
Cor Carolī

List of parameters:


In principle, the language of the term should always be specified, even for English, using lang= with the language code. This ensures that the link points to the right section, and also includes the proper script and formatting conventions for the language in question.

For a simple link, to a Wiktionary entry, use positional parameter 1:


If the mentioned term or phrase should also show alternate text, use positional parameter 2:


If the mentioned term or phrase should be followed by an English gloss translation, use positional parameter 3:

{{term|verbum|verbō|for the word|lang=la}}

If the mentioned term needs clarification, use named parameter pos= for the part of speech, lit= for the literal translation, or both. pos='s values are abbreviations of the part-of-speech names (a, adv, int, n, pron, v, vi, vt, or vti) or any text:

From {{term|deus ex māchinā||device|pos=n|lit=god from a device|lang=la}}
From deus ex māchinā (noun, আক্ষরিক অর্থে god from a device)
From {{term|deus ex māchinā|lit=god from a device|lang=la}}
From deus ex māchinā (আক্ষরিক অর্থে god from a device)

Note that the second numbered parameter can be omitted, even when showing the gloss:

From {{term|word||unit of speech|lang=en}} + ...
From word + ...

If the mentioned term or phrase is not attested, but reconstructed based on other evidence, put a "*" before the term:

Proto-Indo-European {{term|*bʰer-||to carry|lang=ine-pro}}.
Proto-Indo-European *bʰer-.

If the mentioned term or phrase is written in a non-Roman script, you do not need to do anything special. As long as the language code is specified (which it should always be), the script will automatically set to whatever the default script is for that language. Be sure to include a Latin script transliteration (Romanization) using the tr=:

From {{term|λόγος|lang=grc}} + ...
From {{term|λόγος||word|lang=grc}} + ...
From λόγος (lógos) + ...
From λόγος (lógos) + ...

Sometimes it may be necessary to override the default script, for example with languages that use more than one script. Use the named parameter sc= to indicate the script code:

From {{term|ри̏ба||fish|tr=rȉba|sc=Cyrl|lang=sh}} + ...

From ри̏ба (rȉba) + ...

To customize the wikilinks, omit the first parameter and write the wikilink markup in the second parameter.

{{term|[[cor|Cor]] [[Carolī]]||Charles' heart|lang=la}}
Cor Carolī

The outcome of Wiktionary:Votes/2007-10/style for mentioned terms will determine the default style for terms mentioned with this template. The preliminary default for Latin-script (i.e. Roman script, not just Latin-language) terms and phrases is italics. Readers can easily toggle the output from italics to bold by selecting “Show other Latin (Roman) script mentions in bold” from WT:PREFS. Alternatively, or for more advanced customization, readers can add styles to their style sheets as described in WT:CUSTOM:

  • For plain format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
    .mention-Latn { font-style: normal }
  • For bold format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
    .mention-Latn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal }
  • For italicized format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
    .mention-Latn { font-style: italic }

Further, the default style of the subsequent English translation glosses is in double quotes (pending a vote to approve this template). Readers can easily change the output to single quotes by selecting “Show English glosses for mentioned terms in single quotes” from WT:PREFS.

  • {{l}} for creating links
  • {{lang}} to tag language only
  • {{m}}