Classifier Note: The classifier -টো (-tü) and its বহুবচন variant -টা (-ta) can be used for both পুরুষ and নারী.
Accusative Note: -অক (-ok) is used for animate sense. No case marking is used for inanimate sense.
Dative Note 1: In some dialects -অলৈ (-oloi)'s variant -অলে (-ole) is used instead.
Dative Note 2: Sometimes -অক (-ok) marks this case instead of -অলৈ (-oloi).
Dative Note 3: In some dialects -অত (-ot) or -অক (-ok) marks this case instead of -অলৈ (-oloi).
Instrumental Note: In some dialects -এদি (-edi) marks this case instead of -এৰে (-ere).
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