"চিত্র:Wikitech-2021-logo-blue.svg"-এর বৈশ্বিক ব্যবহার
This page shows where a file is used on other wikis. You can also find that information at the bottom of the file description page.

en.wikipedia.org-এ ব্যবহার
fr.wikibooks.org-এ ব্যবহার
- Le mouvement Wikimédia/Version complète
- Le mouvement Wikimédia/Les projets de gestion technique
- Le mouvement Wikimédia/Deuxième partie :Cosmographie du mouvement Wikimédia
fr.wikiversity.org-এ ব্যবহার
wikitech.wikimedia.org-এ ব্যবহার
- User:Jeing
- Template:Userpage
- User:Nirakka
- User:O
- User:Ineuw
- User:Chrumps
- User:Krassotkin
- User:Arjun024
- User:JulesWinnfield-hu
- User:Ato 01
- User:Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy
- User:Marek69
- User:DukeAnt
- User:Thibaut120094
- User:Brackenheim
- User:Avicennasis
- User:Kanashimi
- User:Urhixidur
- User:RP88
- User:Aoffice
- User:WikiUser22222
- User:Arian Writing
- User:Mainframe98
- User:Hidayatsrf
- User:Wikinsbr
- User:CRSKY
- User:Moheen Reeyad
- User:Baljeet Bilaspur
- User:Ninjastrikers
- User:Mujeebcpy
- User:Athul R T
- User:KannanVM
- User:Athulvis
- User:Ffffnm
- User:Zixuan
- User:Charlotte Smith
- User:Wonnral
- User:VulcanSphere
- User:Joris Darlington Quarshie
- User:Md Tanbir Islam
- User:RH9
- Wikitech:Logo
- User:ExE Boss
- User:E.L.botha