পরিশিষ্ট:স্থাপত্য পরিভাষা
[সম্পাদনা]- Abacus - স্তম্ভশীর্ষস্থ পীঠিকা
- abbey - সন্ন্যাসী মঠ, ধর্মাশ্রম
- Acanthus - বাসকগোত্রীয় পত্রশোভা
- Accolade - শোভাবর্ধক ধনুকাকৃতি খিলান
- Acroterion - সম্মুখ প্রাচীরশীর্ষস্থ ভাস্কর্যবেদি
- Adam style -
- Adaptive reuse - অভিযোজনমূলক পুনর্ব্যবহার
- Aesthetic Movement - নান্দনিক আন্দোলন
- Aisle - সংকীর্ণ অতিক্রমণ-পথ, আসনপঙ্ক্তি-মধ্যবর্তী পথ
- Alabaster - শ্বেতস্ফটিক
- alcazar - আলক্বাসর (মুরীয় আরব দুর্গপ্রাসাদ)
- Alcove - কুলুঙ্গি
- Allegory -
- Altar - বেদি
- Altarpiece - বেদিচিত্র
- ambo -
- Ambulatory -
- American bond -
- American Foursquare -
- American Renaissance/Beaux Arts style -
- amphitheatre -
- Anchor -
- Ancone -
- Andiron -
- Angel -
- Ante-choir -
- Antefix -
- Anthemion -
- apartment house -
- Applied composition -
- Apron - আঁচল
- Apse - ছাদকোটর, মিহরাব
- Arabesque -
- Araeosystyle -
- Arbor -
- Arcade - ছাদাচ্ছিত পথ
- Arcade window -
- Arch - খিলান
- Arch brace -
- Architect - স্থপতি
- Architectural styles -
- Architecture - স্থাপত্য, স্থাপত্যবিদ্যা, স্থাপত্যকলা
- Architrave - স্তম্ভমাথাল
- Archivolt -
- Area or basement area -
- arena -
- Arris -
- Arrow loop -
- Arrowslit -
- Art Deco -
- Art glass -
- Art Moderne style -
- Art Nouveau style -
- Articulation -
- Arts and Crafts style -
- Ashlar -
- Asian Lotus -
- Astragal -
- Atlantes -
- Atlas - স্তম্ভরূপ মানবমূর্তি
- Atrium -
- attic - চিলেকুঠুরি, চিলেকোঠা
- auditorium -
- Axonometric view - এক্সনোমেট্রিক চিত্র
[সম্পাদনা]- Balconet -
- Balcony - ঝুলবারান্দা
- Baldachin - বাগদাদী চাঁদোয়া
- Baldachino -
- Balloon framing -
- Baluster -
- Balustrade - রেলিং
- Band window -
- Banded column -
- Banded pilaster -
- Banderol -
- Banding -
- Baptismal font -
- baptistery -
- Bargeboard -
- Baroque/Baroque Revival style -
- barracks -
- Barrel ceiling -
- Barrel roof -
- Barrel Vault -
- Base -
- Basilica - রাজভবন, গ্রিক বিচারভবন
- Basket arch -
- Basket weave -
- Basket-handle arch -
- Bas-relief -
- bastion -
- Batten -
- Batter -
- Battlement -
- Bay -
- Bay leaf -
- Bay window -
- Bays -
- Bead molding -
- Bead-and-reel -
- Beak-head molding -
- Beam - কড়ি/ বর্গা
- Beaux Arts style -
- beehive house -
- Beehive oven -
- Belfry -
- Bell gable -
- Bell roof -
- Bell tower -
- Bellflower -
- Bellied balconet -
- Beltcourse -
- Belvedere -
- Bema -
- Bethune, Louise Blanchard -
- Beveled glass -
- bidonville -
- Billet -
- Blind arcade -
- Blind arch -
- block mill -
- Block modillion -
- Board and batten -
- Bond (bricks) -
- Boss -
- Bouquet -
- Bow window -
- Bowstring bridge -
- Box beam -
- Bracket - দেওয়াল হতে উদ্গত অবলম্বন; নাগদন্ত
- Brackets -
- brattishing -
- Bricks -
- Bridges -
- Broken pediment -
- Brutalism -
- bucranium -
- Bucranium / Bucrane -
- Buddhism -
- Building Materials -
- Bulkhead -
- Bullnose brick -
- Bull's eye -
- bungalow -
- Bungalow style -
- Burl -
- Buttress -
- Byzantine /Byzantine Revival style -
[সম্পাদনা]- C scroll -
- Cable molding -
- Caduceus -
- Caisson -
- caitya -
- Calligraphy -
- Came -
- camp -
- campanile -
- Campanile/Bell tower -
- candelabrum -
- Cant -
- Canted -
- Cantilever - (ক্যান্টিলিভার) বহির্বাহু
- Cantilever bridge - (ক্যান্টিলিভার ব্রিজ) বহির্বাহু সেতু
- Capital -
- Captain's walk -
- caravansary -
- Carrara glass panels -
- Cartouche -
- Caryatid -
- Casement window -
- Cast iron -
- Cast stone -
- Castellations -
- castle -
- Catalog houses -
- cathedral -
- Cavetto -
- Cavity-wall -
- Cell -
- Cella - দেবকক্ষ (তুলনীয় Naos)
- Celtic art -
- Cemetery symbols -
- Cenotaph -
- Ceramic -
- Chair rail -
- chalet -
- Chamfer -
- Chancel -
- chantry -
- Chapel -
- chapter house -
- château -
- Chateauesque style -
- Cherry -
- chevet -
- Chevron -
- Chhajja -
- Chhatri -
- Chicago School style -
- Chicago window -
- chigai-dana -
- Chimera -
- Chimney breast -
- Chimney cap -
- Chimney hood -
- Chimney pot -
- Chimneypiece -
- Chimneys -
- Chinese Architecture Dictionary -
- Choir -
- church -
- Churrigueresque -
- chusimp’o style -
- Cinquefoil -
- City Beautiful Movement -
- City of Buffalo Seal -
- city planner -
- civic centre -
- Clapboard -
- Classical Chinese Roof -
- Classical Revival / Neoclassicism -
- clean room -
- Clerestory -
- Clerestory window - ঊর্ধ্বস্থিত জানালা
- cliff dwelling -
- Clinker -
- Clipped gable -
- Cloister -
- Clustered column -
- Coal scuttle -
- Cobblestone -
- coffer -
- Coffering -
- Coin -
- Collar beam -
- Collar tie -
- Collegiate Gothic Style -
- Colonial/Colonial Revival style -
- Colonnade - স্তম্ভসারি
- Colossal order -
- Column - (কলাম) স্তম্ভ
- Column Capitals -
- Commercial style -
- Commercial styles -
- Common bond -
- Communion table -
- Composite order -
- Compound arch -
- Concrete -
- Concrete block houses -
- Concrete blocks -
- Conductor head -
- confessional -
- Conical roof -
- Console -
- convent -
- Coping -
- Coquillage -
- Corbel -
- Corbel table -
- Corbie gable -
- Corinthian capital -
- Corinthian order -
- Corner block -
- Cornerstone -
- Cornice - শীর্ষ-বহিঃক্ষেপ, কার্নিশ
- Cornucopia -
- Corridor - দরদালান, করিডোর
- Course -
- Coursed rubble -
- Court of Honor/Cour d'Honneur -
- Cove -
- coving -
- Craftsman style -
- Crane -
- crannog -
- Crenelated Parapet -
- Crenellation -
- Creo-dipt shingles -
- Crest -
- Cresting -
- Crocket -
- Croset -
- Cross -
- Crossing -
- Crown molding -
- Crow-stepped gable -
- Crowstepped gable roof -
- Cruciform -
- crypt -
- Cubism -
- Cupola - ছোট গম্বুজ
- Curtain wall -
- Cushion capital -
- cusp -
- Cusps -
- Cyclopean masonry -
- Cyclostyle - বৃত্তাকার স্তম্ভশ্রেণী
- Cyma -
[সম্পাদনা]- Dado -
- Daub -
- Daylight Factory style -
- Dentil - দন্তুর কারুকাজ
- desert palace -
- diaper -
- Diaper pattern -
- Dog grate -
- Dog-tooth molding -
- Dolphin -
- Dome - গম্বুজ
- domus -
- Doric Order -
- Dormer -
- Double cone molding -
- Dougong -
- Dragon -
- Drawing room -
- Dressed -
- Dripstone -
- Drop -
- Drop finial -
- Droze, Augustina, artist -
- Drum -
- Dutch Colonial Revival -
- Dutch gable -
[সম্পাদনা]- Ear -
- Earthship -
- Eastlake style -
- Eaves - প্রলম্বন
- Echinus -
- Eclecticism/Eclectic -
- Ecole Des Beaux Arts -
- Egg-and-dart -
- Egyptian / Egyptian Revival style -
- Egyptian cornice -
- Egyptian Lotus, -
- Elbow -
- Elevation - পার্শ্বদৃশ্য, এলিভেশন
- Elliptical arch -
- Embattled sandwich molding -
- Emergency Exit - জরুরি নির্গমন পথ
- Encrustation -
- Engaged -
- Entablature - স্তম্ভ-উপরিস্থ অংশ
- Entasis -
- Entry/Entryway -
- Exedra - আসনবিশিষ্ট বহির্কোটর, আসনবিশিষ্ট বহির্কুলুঙ্গি
- Expressionist style -
- Eyebrow window -
- Eyelid Dormer -
[সম্পাদনা]- Façade - সম্মুখভাগ
- factory -
- False front -
- Fanligh -
- Fanlight -
- Fasces -
- fascia -
- Fascia/Fascia board -
- Faux -
- favela -
- Federal style -
- Fender -
- Fenestration Pattern -
- Festoon -
- fillet -
- Finial -
- Fire Escape - অগ্নি-তারণ পথ
- Fire screen -
- Fireback -
- Firedog -
- Fireplace (terms) -
- Fireproof houses -
- Flame tracery -
- Flared -
- Flat roof -
- flèche -
- Flemish bond -
- Flemish gable -
- Flemish scroll -
- Fleur-de-lis -
- Fleuron -
- floating bridge -
- Floor Plan -
- Fluting -
- fluting and reeding -
- Flying buttress - তেরছা আলম্ব
- Foil -
- Foliate -
- fortification -
- Foundation - ভিত্তি
- Fountain -
- Foursquare -
- Foyer - প্রবেশকক্ষ
- French doors -
- French Provincial -
- French Renaissance Revival style -
- Fresco -
- Fret -
- Frieze - ছাদনিম্ন কারুকার্য-সারি
- Frohe -
- Frontispiece -
- Furniture -
[সম্পাদনা]- Gable - ত্রিকোণাকৃতি প্রাচীরশীর্ষ, তিনকোণা দেওয়াল-শীর্ষ
- Gable window -
- Gabled dormer -
- Gabled roof -
- Gadroon -
- galilee -
- Gallery -
- Gambrel roof -
- Gardens, Classical Chinese -
- Gargoyle -
- Garland -
- Gauged arch -
- Georgian/Georgian Revival style -
- Gibbs surround -
- Gilded -
- Gingerbread -
- Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) -
- Glass panels -
- Glass, pigmented structural -
- Glaze (pottery) -
- Glazed bricks -
- Glazing (glass) -
- Gold leaf -
- gopura -
- Gorge cornice -
- Gothic / Gothic Revival style -
- Gougework -
- Grain elevators -
- Graining -
- Granite -
- Grate -
- Greek / Greek Revival style -
- Greek cross -
- Greek Doric capital -
- Greek key -
- Greek Temple -
- Greek-cross plan -
- Green roof -
- Greenman -
- Griffin -
- Grisaille painting -
- Grisaille stained glass -
- Groin vault/arch -
- Grotesque -
- Guastavino tiles -
- Guilloche -
- gurdwara -
- Gutta -
- gymnasium -
[সম্পাদনা]- hagioscope -
- Half-timber -
- hall church -
- Hammer beam -
- ḥaram -
- Harvard bricks -
- Header -
- Hearth -
- Herm -
- Herringbone -
- Hexagonal roof -
- hexastyle -
- Hieroglyphics -
- Hipped gable -
- Hipped roof -
- Hipped roof with Deck -
- hippodrome -
- Historic districts -
- hogan -
- Honeysuckle -
- Hoodmold -
- Horseshoe arch -
- hospital -
- hotel -
- houseboat -
- Houses of Worship -
- huiguan -
- Hypostyle -
- Hypostyle (adj.) - স্তম্ভবাহিত
- Hypostyle hall - স্তম্ভবাহিত দালান
[সম্পাদনা]- Icon -
- Iconography in Art and Architecture -
- Iconostasis -
- igloo -
- Imbrication -
- impost - খিলানবাহী স্তম্ভশীর্ষ
- In antis -
- Incised -
- Incrustation -
- Indiana limestone -
- Industrial style -
- Inglenook -
- inn -
- insula -
- International style -
- Ionic capital -
- Ionic order -
- Islamic style -
- Isometric view - সমমাপীয় দৃশ্য
- Italianate style -
[সম্পাদনা]- Jack arch -
- Jacobean / Jacobean Revival -
- Jali - জালিকাজ
- Jamb -
- Japanese Architecture Dictionary -
- Jeffersonian Classicism -
- Jerkinhead -
- Jetty -
- Jharokha -
- jube -
- Jugendstil -
[সম্পাদনা]- Kara-yo -
- keep -
- Keep/donjon -
- Key pattern -
- Keystone - খিলান-শীর্ষ প্রস্তর
- khan -
- King post -
- Kit houses -
- Kittinger furniture -
- kiva -
- Knee brace -
- kremlin -
[সম্পাদনা]- Label mold(ing) -
- Label stop -
- Lady chapel -
- Lancet window -
- Landmarks -
- landscape architect -
- Lantern -
- Lath -
- Lattice -
- Laurel leaves -
- Le Corbusier -
- Leaded glass -
- Leaf-and-dart -
- L'Ecole Des Beaux Arts -
- Light -
- Lighting Dictionary -
- limes -
- Lincrusta -
- Linenfold -
- Lintel - সরদল, লিন্টেল
- Lion -
- Live edge -
- Lock -
- Lockport dolomite -
- lodge -
- log cabin -
- Loggia - সংযোগকারী বারান্দা
- longhouse -
- Loophole -
- low-income housing -
- Lozenge -
- Lucarne -
- Lug -
- Lunette (window) -
- lych-gate -
[সম্পাদনা]- machicolation -
- Mahogany -
- Mannerism -
- manor house -
- Mansard roof -
- Mansion -
- Mantel -
- Mantelpiece -
- Manueline -
- Marble -
- Margent -
- mashriq al-adhkār -
- Mason/Masonic symbols -
- Masonry -
- Masonry (terms) -
- Mausoleum -
- Meander -
- Medallion -
- Medina sandstone -
- Mediterranean Revival Style -
- megalith -
- Memorial arch -
- Metope -
- Mezzanine floor - মেসানিন ফ্লোর
- Mid Century Modern style -
- mihrab -
- military bridge -
- Minaret - মিনার
- minbar -
- moat -
- Modern style -
- Moderne style -
- Modillion -
- Molding -
- monastery -
- Moorish/Moorish Revival style -
- Morris, William -
- Mortar -
- Mortise-and-tenon -
- mortuary temple -
- Mosaic -
- Mosque -
- motel -
- Mouchette -
- Mudéjar -
- Mullion - বিভাজক
- Multifoil -
- Muntin -
- Murals -
- Muslim style -
- Mutule -
[সম্পাদনা]- nailhead -
- Nail-head molding -
- Naos - দেবকক্ষ (তুলনীয় Cella)
- Narthex -
- National Register Historic Districts -
- National Register Landmarks -
- Nave -
- Neoclassical style -
- Neo-Expressionism -
- Newel -
- Niche - কুলুঙ্গি
- Nicking -
- Nogging -
- Norman -
- Notch carving -
- Nunda blue sandstone -
[সম্পাদনা]- Oak -
- Obelisk -
- Octagon style -
- Octastyle -
- Oculus -
- Oeil-de-boeuf window -
- Ogee -
- Ogee arch - ধনুকাকৃতি খিলান
- Ogive - ধনুকাকৃতি খিলান
- Ogive arch - ধনুকাকৃতি খিলান
- Onion dome -
- Onondaga limestone -
- Opalescent glass -
- opisthodomo -
- oratory -
- Order - বিন্যাস
- organic architecture - আঙ্গিক স্থাপত্য[১]
- Oriel window -
- orientation -
- Ormolu -
- ornament -
- ornamentation - অলংকরণ
- Oval -
- Overdoor -
- Overmantel -
- Ovolo molding -
- Oxeye (window) -
[সম্পাদনা]- Pagoda -
- palace -
- Palladian door -
- Palladian window -
- Palladio, Andrea -
- Palmette -
- Pane -
- panopticon -
- Papyrus -
- Parapet - পাঁচিল
- Parquet -
- Patera -
- Patina -
- Patio - বাঁধানো উঠান
- Pavilion -
- Pearl molding -
- Pebble dash -
- Pedestal - স্তম্ভভিত্তি, স্তম্ভপাদ
- Pediment -
- Pendant -
- Pendant finial -
- Pendentive -
- Pent Roof -
- penthouse -
- Pergola -
- Period Houses -
- Period Revival style -
- Peripteros - স্তম্ভশ্রেণী পরিবেষ্টিত দালান
- Peristasis - পরিবেষ্টক আচ্ছাদিত পথ
- Peristyle - পরিবেষ্টক স্তম্ভশ্রেণী
- Piano nobile - অভিজাতদের তলা
- picturesque -
- Pier - ভারবাহী স্তম্ভ, সেতুস্তম্ভ
- Pilar -
- Pilaster -
- Pillar - স্তম্ভ, থাম
- Pinnacle - শীর্ষালঙ্কার
- piscina -
- pīṭhā -
- place of worship -
- Plan - নকশা
- Plaster -
- platform - মঞ্চ
- playground -
- Plinth - বেদী, প্লিন্থ
- Pocket doors -
- Podium - ভিত্তিমঞ্চ, পদমঞ্চ
- Pointed arch -
- Polychromy -
- pontoon bridges -
- Porch - রোয়াক, পোর্চ
- Portal -
- Porte-cochere -
- Portico - দহলিজ
- Portland cement -
- Post-and-lintel system -
- Postmodern style -
- Prairie style -
- Predella -
- Pre-Raphaelites -
- Presbyterianism and its Architecture -
- presbytery -
- Preservation districts -
- prison -
- propylaeum -
- proscenium - (প্রসিনিয়াম) অগ্রমঞ্চ
- prytaneum -
- public housing -
- Pulpit -
- pulvinated frieze -
- Pulvinus -
- Purlin -
- Putto -
- Pylon - তারবাহী সুউচ্চ স্তম্ভ, তারবাহী সুউচ্চ খুঁটি, তারবাহী সুউচ্চ থাম
- Pyramidal roof -
[সম্পাদনা]- qiblah wall -
- Quadrangle -
- Quarry-faced -
- Quartersawn oak -
- Quatrefoil -
- Queen Anne style -
- Queen post -
- Quoin -
- Quoins -
[সম্পাদনা]- Rafter -
- Rafters -
- Rain garden -
- Raking -
- Raking cornice -
- Ranch -
- ranch house -
- Reconstruction -
- Reed(ing) -
- Rehabilitation -
- Reinforced concrete -
- Reinforced plaster -
- Renaissance / Renaissance Revival style -
- Reredos -
- Restoration -
- Retable -
- Return to Top -
- Rib -
- Ribbed vault -
- Ribbon -
- Ribbon window -
- Richardsonian Romanesque -
- Ridge -
- Rinceau -
- Ripple glass -
- rocaille -
- Rococo style -
- roller coaster -
- Rollwork -
- Roman brick -
- Roman Classicism style -
- Roman Doric -
- Roman Doric capital -
- Roman lattice -
- Roman/ Romanesque/ Romanesque Revival style -
- Rood -
- rood screen -
- Roof -
- Roof framing -
- Roof Garden - ছাদ-বাগান
- Roof styles -
- Rope molding -
- Rose window -
- Rosette -
- Rostrum - সভামঞ্চ, বক্তৃতামঞ্চ
- Rotunda -
- Round Arch -
- Round pediment -
- Rowlock -
- Roycroft -
- Rubbed bricks -
- Running dog -
- Running mold -
- Running ornament -
- running-dog pattern -
- Rusticated -
[সম্পাদনা]- S scroll -
- sacristy -
- saltbox -
- Saltier / Saltire -
- Sanctuary -
- sanctuary knocker -
- Sandblasting -
- Sarcophagus -
- Sawtooth -
- Scagliola -
- Scallop -
- Sconce -
- Scroll -
- Scroll buttress -
- Scroll saw -
- scrollwork -
- Scupper -
- Seal -
- Sears Catalog Homes -
- Second Empire style -
- Section - ছেদ, সেকশন
- sedilia -
- Segmental arch -
- Segmental pediment -
- Semi-Elliptical Arch -
- Serliana -
- Serpentine -
- setback -
- Sexfoil -
- Sgraffito -
- Shaft -
- Shed dormer -
- Shed roof -
- Sheet metal -
- Shell -
- shikhara -
- Shingle -
- Shingle style -
- shoji -
- shotgun house -
- Shoulder -
- Shreadhead -
- Shutters -
- Side aisle -
- Side light -
- Silk-screening -
- Sill -
- skyscraper -
- Skyscrapers -
- Slate -
- Sleeping porch -
- Slip -
- Slip form method -
- slum -
- slype -
- Snow guard -
- Soffit -
- solar -
- Spandrel -
- Spandrel panel -
- Spanish Eclectic style -
- Sphinx -
- Spiderweb muntins -
- Spiral -
- Spire -
- Splayed lintel -
- Squinch -
- stadium -
- Stained glass -
- Stair - সিঁড়ি
- Staircase -
- Stair-end -
- Stalactite -
- stalactite work -
- stave church -
- Steeple -
- Stele -
- Stencil -
- Stepped gable -
- Stepped gable roof -
- stepwell -
- Stick style -
- Stigmata -
- Stile -
- Stoa -
- Stone -
- Stoop -
- Stories -
- Strapwork -
- Stretcher -
- Strigil -
- Stringcourse -
- Structural glass -
- Stucco -
- stuccowork -
- stupa -
- Stylobate - স্তম্ভভিত্তির শীর্ষধাপ
- Subway tile -
- Sullivan, Louis -
- summer camp -
- Sunburst design -
- superposed order -
- Surround -
- Swag -
- Swan's neck pediment -
- Swiatek Studios -
- synagogue -
- Syrian arch -
[সম্পাদনা]- Tabernacle -
- Telamon -
- temple -
- Temple front -
- Tenjiku -
- tent -
- Tent roof -
- tepee -
- Term / Terminus -
- Terra cotta -
- Terrace - খোলা-বারান্দা
- Terrazzo -
- Tetrastyle -
- theatre -
- Thermal window -
- Threshold -
- Through-the-cornice dormer -
- Tie beam -
- Tie rod -
- Tile-ends -
- tokonoma -
- Top-view - উপরি-দৃশ্য
- torana -
- Torsade -
- Torus -
- Tourelle -
- Tower -
- Tower of the Winds order -
- Trabeated system -
- Tracery -
- Tracery Window -
- Transept -
- Transom -
- Transom Light -
- Travertine -
- Tread-end -
- Trefoil -
- Triforium - খিলান-উপরি দরদালান, ঊর্ধ্বজানালা-নিম্ন দরদালান
- Triglyph -
- Triptych -
- Triumphal arch -
- trullo -
- Truss - ভারবাহী কাঠামো
- Tudor / Tudor Revival style -
- Tudor arch -
- türbeurban planning -
- Turning -
- Turret - প্রাসাদশৃঙ্গ, বুরুজ, গোলন্দাজ-ব্যূহ, গোলন্দাজ-প্রকোষ্ঠ
- Tuscan style -
- Twentieth Century Commercial style -
- Twisted (twining) stem molding -
- Twisted column -
- Two-part Block style -
- Tympanum -
[সম্পাদনা]- Urn -
[সম্পাদনা]- Vault -
- Venetian arch -
- Venetian window -
- Veranda - বারান্দা
- Verandah -
- Vergeboard -
- Vermiculated -
- Vernacular style -
- Vestibule -
- Victorian rooms -
- Victorian styles -
- vihāra -
- villa -
- Villa style -
- Vitreous china -
- Vitrolite -
- Vitruvian scroll -
- Vitruvian wave -
- Volute -
- Voussoir -
[সম্পাদনা]- Wainscot -
- Wainscoting -
- Wall -
- Waney edge -
- Water table -
- Waterleaf -
- Wattle -
- Wave scroll -
- Wavy edge -
- Weatherboard -
- Wheel window -
- wickiup -
- Widow's walk -
- Willet Studios -
- Window crown -
- Window head -
- Windows -
- Woods -
- Wreath -
- Wrought iron -
[সম্পাদনা]- youth hostel -
- yurt -
[সম্পাদনা]- zāwiyah -
- ziggurat -
- Zigzag -
- Zinc -